Detailed information for activating amp in WordPress without errors.

Detailed information for Installing and activating amp in WordPress without errors.

To Installing amp in WordPress without errors, read the entire article. Amp represents “amplified mobile pages” which just removes some javascript codes and CSS code to make pages lightweight in size so that pages could load faster. We will also see- how to solve issues with amp and install an amp in WordPress without errors. Nowadays amp has been proving an important aspect for SEO as google search is showing amp version in its priority. We will also be discussing the impact of SEO on website traffic, ads money, and impact on brand identity. We will also discuss the errors occurring in the google search console after enabling amp.

What is amp and why it is important?

“amp” stands for amplified mobile pages, which was introduced on October 7, 2015. From that time amp was enabled by various famous news channels and blogs and also this module became a necessary element for SEO perspective. The primary reason for introducing amp was to make a better mobile experience for users as amp compatible pages load faster on mobile devices. “amp” or amplified mobile pages just removes un-necessary javascript and CSS, which results in fast loading of contents.

While amp sometimes creates chaos that amp tends to create dictatorship as a search engine like google gives priority to amp enabled pages or posts. There are also some rumors that amp decreases earnings and destroys brand identity as amp design is sometimes not creative as our normal pages have, but you can make designs of your own by purchasing a premium version of “amp for wp”.

Does amp affect earnings; will google amp decrease website earnings?

Well, many people argue that amp has decreased their monthly earnings of Google Adsense. This is true that amp can decrease your average earnings as the priority of amp is to make visitors satisfied by loading the main contents of web pages faster, so for this reason- in amp enabled websites the contents are loaded first, and then the rest of the contents gets loaded. But if you put your ads in the right manner on amp pages then your earnings may not be reduced. Many people do not put ads at bottom of the page and this is the reason their earnings are reduced. If you just put your ads at the top of the content then there are very few chances that your ads will appear to the visitors, as many visitors start scrolling down the website when it’s loaded, so try to place ads In between the contents and also in the footer section.

Also read: How to install WordPress in the local host?

Why is amp important for SEO?

It’s now very clear that amp has become the priority of google search engine, and its impact can also be seen in Google searches. To understand my point, just do a google search on any topic or some trending topics, you will see some top websites with the sign of “thunderstorm” and those pages or posts with thunderstorm sign are the amp version of posts or pages and also you will be seeing that the amp posts or pages will have “/amp” in their URL.

So now it’s clear that amp is important for SEO as you may also see that in the news feed of google chrome, the majority of the news channels posts shown are the amp versions. From 2020 onwards Google is giving more importance to amp versions of posts or pages.

What are Breadcrumbs in amp? Why breadcrumbs are important?

Breadcrumbs in the case of websites are the secondary clickable navigation menus that enable users to navigate users to other parts of the websites. Sometimes we as web developers have to remove the main navigation menus from the pages or posts since in many cases our main navigation menus are heavy and attractive and due to that they carry “CSS codes” which increases the loading time, so it is better to have main navigation menus on the main page or home page and should be restricted on the rest of the pages and from all the posts.

So to give users the ability to move to the home page of the website from any posts or page, we have to enable “breadcrumbs”. Breadcrumbs are also important for SEO because search engine like google also reads the breadcrumbs and if the post title is present in breadcrumbs then there is a chance of fast ranking of your posts or pages.

Best amp plugin, google amp vs. amp for wp.

In the case of amp plugins for WordPress, there are only two plugins right now are famous. Google amp is the official amp plugin but it has very limited options for displaying ads, layout design, and overall site optimization, whereas “amp for wp” is an amp plugin that is becoming very famous which is developed by- Ahmed Kalau di. The amp for wp plugin provides you with lots of extension for total site optimization and this plugin also provides you with the design library by using which, you can create a stunning look and design for your website.

How to solve Search console errors for amp pages? How Installing amp in WordPress without errors.

After enabling amp in the website posts or pages, many people face problems while trying to index the URL. Sometimes many people get error as- “custom CSS not allowed”, “custom javascript not allowed” and also “the script tag contains invalid JSON and that cannot be parsed”.

So these are the error which many people counter while setting up a new amp on the websites. These errors only occur if you just add custom CSS codes in the amp plugins’ code editor, or you just have pasted JSON code for your google analytics in the amp plugin then you will encounter these types of errors.

How to safely add google analytics code to the amp website?

If you want to add google analytics code to the amp website then do not paste JSON code in the amp plugin, just paste the google analytics id in the tracking field. If you will be pasting the JSON code then you will encounter the indexing error in the search console.

Have you wondered that why this happens? Well if you will paste any type of JSON code or custom CSS in the free version of the amp plugin then you will encounter the errors in the search console.

How does amp work?

Well, the amp is completely a creation of google and google has specified a unique layout for webpages and the pages with that particular layout will be considered amp compatible. If you just enable amp on your website then the amp plugin will just convert that pages to the amp by adding some amp layouts and removing the original design with the un-necessary js and CSS codes. The amp plugins do not remove the non-amp version of web pages, instead, they just create a copy of the posts and pages in amp format and when you will be submitting your non-amp URL for indexing In google search console then google search console will automatically detect the amp URL also if the amp is enabled for that particular URL.