How to earn from Quora, is it possible to earn money from Quora?

How to earn from Quora, is it possible to earn money from Quora?


Yes, you can earn money from quora, but trust me it’s not so easy as you are thinking. Nearly 9-8 months ago quora have started its monetization program in which anyone can enroll and earn by answering and questioning, but after some time quora has stopped its monetization program. But still, you can earn but you have to be calm and patient at your work, you have to regularly answer and question to make your profile better, and after that quora team will itself invite you for their monetization program, but wait this work involves too much time and effort, you cannot make money in 2-3 months it will take minimum 5 -6 months and you have to be very active and you have to answer and to ask questions daily, better of doing this work I will recommend you to do some freelancing work it can make you earning quickly in-comparison to the quora partner program.

Now someone can argue that we can earn from quora by sharing affiliate links, by selling the products on quora, or either we can share the link of our blog, but wait have you ever done this- let me tell you, you cannot share external links in quora, quora does not want to dis-engage its visitors to any other external website. If you will share external links then the quora team will send you a warning notice, and if you still dare to repeat this they will simply block your profile.

Quora partner program hasn’t closed yet, but it’s not as usual. Now quora partner program is an invitation-based program, where you will be invited by quora itself when they will feel that you are a serious and hardworking regular author. You will be get paid according to your page views, engagement, and no of times ads shown.

So quorum is a good platform for gaining knowledge, but if you are considering it for earning purpose then I will recommend you to wait for at least 6 months and do answer/ question regularly. You can make good earning on quora and get involved in the quora partnership program in few months if you follow these rules:

  • Be regular
  • Always target trending topics
  • Follow the quora guidelines properly
  • Try to reduce the grammatical mistakes
  • Try to cover as much as topics as you can
  • Wait for hard work to get converted into earnings, and keep patient

Since quora is also a website but it’s a forum in real, and it also follows Search engine optimization techniques, and if you are planning to become a famous author then you have to assume your profile as your website and you have to do SEO of your profile since quora’s answer/questions are shown in the google’s search result then it means those answers will be shown first which are better optimized for search engines.

Thanks for reading this article, I hope this article was helpful for you; stay tuned for more tech-related articles.


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