How to get free domain and hosting for WordPress website?

How to get a free domain and hosting for the WordPress website?

WordPress hosting and domains-

Since we all know that WordPress is an amazing CMS that has gained popularity in few years, it’s the most widely used content management system across its entire competitors like jumla and blogger. WordPress has many rich features that other cms cannot provide, and by this, there is a huge demand for the WordPress hosting and domain, and following this the prices for the WordPress-related services are high for some new starters. Famous hosting providers such as blue host which is the recommended hosting provider from WordPress will provide you the starter hosting service for nearly up to $100 for the first year and more from the second year and these prices seem to be very high for some users, and here come the free hosting and domain providers to overcome this problem, but the question arises- are these hosting providers fake, legal or reliable. Don’t worry I will be explaining to you the entire logic and process behind it; I will be telling you the reasons for having or not having the free domains and hosting for WordPress.

Free vs. paid WordPress hosting and domain-

There is a huge difference between paid and non-paid hosting and domain services. Getting a free domain and hosting is not a headache or difficult, you can get it very easily, many providers claim that they will provide you the free hosting and domain for one year. While for paid hosting and domain you have to spend at least $100 for hosting and the domain will be free within it, but this cost may be very high for some users who are new in this field, and to avoid this financial problem they find the way of “Free” but wait-free also have some serious drawbacks and trust me you should never use the free hosting and domain for the website if you are a serious blogger, don’t worry I will explain you this latter.

If you go for the free hosting and domain you will absolutely get some serious problems which will result in the wastage of the time, these few problems you will counter in the free services are-

  1. More than 80% downtime (means there will be only 20% hope that your site will last operatable)
  2. There will be no premium domains, which means you will see some- .tk, .pk extensions in the domain name, which is not good for the brand image and also not for the SEO.
  • The website will be highly prone to viruses and cyber-attacks.
  1. Low speed and less bandwidth.
  2. May not have support for WordPress.

While on another hand, paid WordPress services are better and reliable and there will be 24×7 support from the service provider, the paid WordPress services can contain SSD storage for better speed, unlimited bandwidth, and free SSL certificate with the domain. And also you can get the domain extension of your own choice such as- .com, .org, .in, etc. Paid hosting services will provide better uptime for your website and also they can handle a large number of monthly users and there is less chance of hacking attempts and malware, as these paid services have better customer support.

How to get free WordPress hosting and domain?

So I searched a lot and trust me getting free hosting and domain is easy but not so much easy as many people think, while my research on this topic I found that the majority of the free WordPress hosting services are fake and frauds, but I have founded one of the best free hosting and domain provider for the WordPress, which is “pro-free host”. Pro free host is one of the genuine free hosting and domain provider on which you can have a little bit of trust, I will never recommend you to go for serious blogging with their free services, but they also provide you the paid services with some more features, if you like their service then you can become a premium member.

To have the free domain and hosting from the free host you will need to go on their website and have to create an account and just log in there, after that you can search for the domain name you want, and when you got the name just follow the steps they advise to get the free domain and hosting from them, once you got the free account, you can install the WordPress in your dashboard.

Why and why not free hosting and domain for WordPress?

If you have mugged up the above part of this article you can have the taste of the free vs. paid services for blogging, and now I will tell you that when and when not to use the free services for WordPress. If you want to just try WordPress for the first time want to see how it works then you can use free services for the hosting and domain and you can practice WordPress there, however you can practice WordPress on your PC also- by installing the WordPress on the localhost.

But if you are a serious user and want to do blogging for the earning purpose then free services are a complete wastage of time for you, in fact, if you want to spend less money and start some blog to earn money then I will recommend you to go for the blogger. You can purchase premium domains at cheap prices from many domain providers such as name cheap, and link it with the blogger and sue the free hosting space provided from the blogger platform this idea will be much better from the free local services, as a blogger will have greater uptime in comparison to free hosting providers.

So now I think you have got the differences between paid and free hosting, so if you liked this article just get connected with us on social media for more, thanks for reading this article.