How to increase followers on Facebook page without money?

How to increase followers on a Facebook page without money?

How to increase followers of the Facebook page?

So for increasing the followers on the Facebook page in shortest possible time is not difficult and not even easy also, means if you will follow some sort of rules regularly, then you can achieve follower on your Facebook page very easily. Here we are talking about the Facebook page and the better reach of the page to the public, so for this purpose, you will need to make good content of course, but not only good content but also you have to keep some things in your mind that you should be regularly uploading contents on your Facebook page since Facebook will then detect your Facebook page as an active publisher and your reach will be better. There are only a few ways to increase the followers, such as by advertising and by sharing (But sharing pages to gain followers for the new Facebook page will not work).

To get a huge number of fan following on Facebook page, you have to keep in mind the privacy/ policy and the guidelines of the Facebook page, since Facebook is also a type of search engine and it also uses SEO techniques to rank the pages and posts, so that it can recommend the best choice to the users, don’t worry I will explain these all the details below in this article.

Should I pay to increase followers on my Facebook page?

The answer is absolutely yes, there is no other way to increase the followers on the Facebook page without paying money. In-fact Facebook also wants you to pay to increase the followers on your Facebook page, and trust me you cannot gain the followers reach on your Facebook page without paying money, and Facebook is not free, if you won’t pay money to advertise the Facebook page then your page will not be recommended to anyone, since this is the earning tactic of the Facebook. When you won’t pay money to advertise your Facebook page then Facebook will never recognize your Facebook page in the organic search result, the only way you can promote your Facebook page without paying money is by sharing otherwise there is no other way, Facebook simply puts pseudo ban just like Twitter on your Facebook page.

What are the possible ways to increase followers on the Facebook page; can the Facebook page be advertised for free?

As above in this article you came to know- that there are only a few options left by which you can bring followers to your Facebook page without money, these options are:-

  • By sharing the page across social media
  • And by redirecting the followers from another platform to your Facebook page

But if you want to increase the followers without money then there are no other options left, since the Facebook algorithm will block the reach of your Facebook page. Someone can argue that you can increase followers by sharing the link of your Facebook page in some big groups or pages but trust me this idea will not work since we already know why? Just because Facebook wants money to do this particular task, I have done these things many times and I have noticed that nothing happened, as there could be an algorithm behind it, as it could hide my links which I share and could not be visible to others. So if you want to make a fan base on Facebook, then there is no other way than money.

How to earn through a new Facebook page?

Earning through the new Facebook page is not too much hard, but if you are a beginner and your Facebook page is new then you will counter some problems in starting, but once you are done with gaining the followers on your Facebook page, then you can make your earnings by the following ways:-

  • By signing up for the “Facebook instant articles”
  • By imbedding the third party adds in the videos
  • By sharing the affiliate links
  • By selling your own products
  • And last by selling your Facebook page, when you have millions of the followers

So these were some common ways of making money by using the Facebook page.

How to optimize the Facebook page for better SEO?

Many people have confusion that either Facebook uses SEO for the contents, which are published on Facebook, such as photos, videos, and even articles. The answer is yes, Facebook uses SEO tactics to counter some of the violating contents on Facebook, and Facebook will also reduce the reach of your Facebook page if your contents are abusive and harmful in any way. You have seen multiple times that you are served with some contents in your news feed by the Facebook algorithm, those contents are published by Facebook based on their audience interaction (such as likes of hate), sharing, etc. Once you published the content on Facebook, your content will be aired by the Facebook o your followers, but if your contents are reported by some of your followers then the reach of the audience to that particular content will be restricted, and also if you will continue this mistake for more than 2-3 time then your SEO will be impacted and even your Facebook page can be taken down by the Facebook.

So now I think you have got a real taste of- how to increase the followers on Facebook, and also about SEO related knowledge, if you liked this article, stay connected with us for more, thanks for reading this article.