How to start a carrier in web development as a beginner?

Starting a career in web development as a beginner is not so easy, but still, there are tons of tutorials and advice present on the internet, by which you can easily grasp the techniques, methods, and latest trends which are essential and important to implement in web development.

Web development is easy, but not so easy that anyone can mess with it. To start your career in web development you should require to learn the basics of the web and also you have to learn a lot of things which I will be explaining to you in this chapter and also in the next chapters.

Scope and career in web development as a beginner:

Front-end web developer job-

A front-end developer post is an initial step in the field of web development. This job is very easy and also gives less salary and earning in comparison to the other fields in the web development. This post of web development includes: designing the layout and appearance of the visible contents of the website.

The person operating at this post should also have knowledge of UI (user interface) and UX (user experience). To become a front-end developer, you have two choices; you can involve in WordPress development by making theme designs and layout by using various page builders and can also sell these designs on the internet.

But if you want to become a front-end web developer for a custom-coded website then you have to be good at some programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and also you have to learn the various libraries of CSS and JavaScript like bootstrap, angular, and NodeJS.

This job also has lots of demands in the web development industry but has less demand when compared to the other fields of web development like- back-end developers.

If you want to talk about the salary of the front-end web developer in the current market then it’s very low in comparison to the back-end web developer, according to LinkedIn (a famous online job provider) the basic pay of the front-end web developer is 9% less than the back-end web developer and the overall salary of the front-end web developer is 36% less than the back-end developer. Just see the below image:

  • Front-end developer salary-
What is a salary of front-end web developer?
The front-end web developers salary is nearly or more than $100,000 per year.
  • Back-end developer salary-
What is a salary of back-end web developer?
The salary of back-end web developer may be more than $100,000 per annum.

Back-end web developer job-

As in the above images you may have seen that the back-end developers have nearly 36%more salary in comparison to front-end web developers. By knowing these data, one can clearly predict that the demand and importance of the back-end developers are more than the front-end developers.

The person operating at this job should be good at server-side scripting languages like JavaScript, PHP, and some database language like MySQL. The work of the person operating at this job is to design and make the database and logic for the website.

The work of the person working at this stage is not only limited to the back-end programming but he/she should also have knowledge of the front-end programming because both front-end and back-end needs to be integrated since these things work together to make a site fully operational.

Full-stack web developer job-

A Full-stack web developer is a person who messes with the work on both fronts like he/she has to operate at both front-end and back-end works.

The person working at this level of web development should have knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and some libraries of the related languages like bootstrap, ajax, Nodejs, reactJs, Angularjs.

To become a full-stack web developer, you should have knowledge of graphics, UI, UX, and deep knowledge of the front-end and back-end functions of the website.

The salary of the full stack web developer is higher most in the field of web development. According to some data taken from the online job-providing websites, the full stack web developer’s salary is 80% more when compared to the back-end web developer.

WordPress developer job-

As we all know that more than 35% of the websites are using WordPress and also WordPress have more than 61% of the market share in CMS (content management system). So by knowing the importance of WordPress, there is also a demand for WordPress developers in the web developers market.

As a WordPress developer, you should not only stick to the basic working of WordPress but try to become a power user of WordPress, so that you can enhance and increase the functionality of WordPress.

As a power user of WordPress, one should have knowledge of PHP since WordPress is based on PHP, and also you should have knowledge of Theme development and plugins development. To know more, you can visit the WordPress development page.

The basic pay of the WordPress developers is the same as of the back-end web developers.

Content creator job-

This job is associated with- creating digital content whether it’s graphical images, videos, textual content like articles, or content in audio forms like podcasts.

This job is very typical and is restricted too. Since if you are a content creator then you can be good at one or two hobbies like you can be specialized in writing or can have better control over graphical work. If you are a content creator and your hobby is to write an article, then also you can write about one or two fields like you can be specialized in writing about technology or finance but no one can be good at all the topics like finance, sports, technology, and food.

The job of content creators, especially article writing is difficult as it requires lots of knowledge and research to make your document valid, reliable, and trustable.

The earnings of the content writers can vary from 30-50 thousand dollars per year depending on experience.

The field of content creators is wide since it includes article writing, audio production, and image production, and much more, so the earnings of the various fields are not the same.

SEO advisor job-

The SEO advisor job has become the most demanded job in recent times and also the importance of this job is still growing rapidly.

The work of the person working at this level is to modify and optimize the web content like websites in such a manner that it should gain a high priority in the search engine rankings.

This job requires a completely experienced person to operate as there is no chance of correction of mistakes in this field. This job has to deal with all the things like front-end work, back-end work, contents, off-page SEO, and on-page SEO.

In front-end, the must require thing is to prefer the minimum uses of the CSS and JavaScript codes to reduce the loading time and while at back-end work, the server management is also an issue since every aspect should be considered while doing SEO because a single wrong mistake can flush your SEO completely.

The person working at this level should have full knowledge of everything, since doing an SEO is like playing at final matches, as you have to cover up with every small element.

Graphics designer job-

The work of a graphic designer is required in almost every online business. If we consider the work of a graphics designer in the field of web development, graphical work is required everywhere like- making logos, templates, pictures, thumbnail images, and much more.

The person working for graphic design needs to be goods at photoshop, illustrator, audio processing software, and video editing as well.

This job is considered a high-paying job in the field of the internet or digital marketing. The salary of the graphics designer is nearly $60,000 per year and can depend on the experience too.

Social media manager-

According to linked in (best online job provider), the base salary of the social media manager is nearly $50,000 per year or can be varying on an experience basis.

This job is required in almost all the fields of the internet as many online businesses are now focusing on a social reach with the help of social platforms like Facebook, linked in, Instagram, Pinterest, and many more.

This job also requires speaking and writing skills as in the case of social media, everything depends on the way of presentation and that is why a person working at this level should be full of creativity.

Being a social media manager is not limited to only sending posts and images, but you should also have the talent of analyzing, advertising, and scaling a business reach on the social platforms.

Earnings in Web development:

Salary of Web developer-

As we have discussed in the upper section of this article that the web developers’ salary may depend on the type of web developer (back-end, front-end, or full-stack), and also the salaries may be affected by the years of experience.

Generally, the web developer’s salary is nearly 50-70 thousand dollars per year. The full-stack web developers get a higher most salary which is 80% more when compared to back-end and front-end web developers.

Although, web development can become a good career and anyone having knowledge and experience can make a good living out of it.

Earnings from personal blog or website-

On a normal basis, the earnings from a personal blog website may be from 100$ to 10,000$ per month, but it depends on the niche of the blog and the way of delivering the content along with the way SEO have been done.

Making money from personal blog website is the most favorable and trusted method of making money for many web masters. Making a blog website and earning through it is the most loved business on the internet as anyone having speciality in some field can make and run blog and can make money by placing ads or by affiliate marketing.

However making a blog and earning through it, is not so easy these days as competition level and SEO trends have been changed a lot. So in order to make a successful blog website, you have to be good at everything like SEO, content quality, UI and UX, and social media reach.

Are you struggling to do SEO? Just read our complete free SEO course from here.

However, bloggers are making a good amount of living through their web blogs, but there is no exact data of earnings as the earnings may be less or more depending on topics since finance website blog can have more earnings by using Adscence while others may have fewer earnings depending on their topic or niche.

The earnings of the bloggers may be between 100-10,000 dollars per month by using Adsense, but besides Adsense, there are some more earnings from blog websites by using affiliates and selling digital products.

According to some online data, self-made bloggers are making more money when compared to front-end and back-end developers.

Selling theme design and plugins for WordPress websites-

The WordPress themes and plugins market is also growing very rapidly day by day as the popularity of WordPress is also increasing. If you are good at PHP, HTML, CSS and some database language like MySQL and Mongo DB, then you can also make WordPress themes and plugins and can sell your digital product on some popular e-selling platforms like theme forest, just have a look at below image:

Image 1.

How to make money by selling wordpress themes and plugins?
You can sell your WordPress themes and plugins on theme forest to make money.

Image 2.

How to make money by selling wordpress templates and designs?
You can make money by selling WordPress theme templates and design on theme forest.

By selling the WordPress related digital contents, you can make thousands of dollars per month.

How to find a job in the Web development field:

Web development job in news channels-

As we all know that the news channels also have websites so that they also need to employ some web masters and content creators. If you are searching for a web developer job, then don’t forget to search for the vacant jobs in news channels in your area. Just have a look at the below image:

How to find web development in news channels?
You can search on google to get the news channel job in your local area.

When you will search for the jobs on google as “web development job in news channels”, then Google will show you some vacant jobs from online job-providing websites according to your area.

You can also search for jobs in news channels on LinkedIn as well. Having a web developer job at some branded news channels can be a secured form of job.

Web development job in agencies-

There are always some agencies that want to work with you if you have the proper qualifications. Just search for some popularly known software companies and agencies and have a look at their footer section, there will a section as “hire us or career”, as shown in the below image:

Image 1. Famous page builder “elementor” is hiring developers:

How to find web developer job online?
You can also get job in some famous software agencies.

Image 2. Vacant posts for developers at elementor:

How to find job in software companies as a web developer?
You can see that some software companies are hiring web developers for some vacant job posts.

Image 3. A famous WordPress theme developer company named as “astra” is also hiring developers:

How to search for web developer job on internet?
Nowadays, almost every company have placed a section for requirement of developers on their website

Get hired with LinkedIn-

If you are struggling to get a job as a developer, then the best place to search for the job is LinkedIn. On LinkedIn, you can search for the job with the required filters such as salaries, experience, and posts. LinkedIn can easily provide you the jobs in your local areas as shown in the below image:

How to get web developer job on LinkedIn?
You can get the top paying web developer job on LinkedIn also.

There are many alternatives of LinkedIn like angel list, opportunity, and meetup, etc.

Freelancing jobs-

As a web developer, you can also search for jobs on some famous freelancing sites like,, and on up work. These mentioned freelancing sites are trustable and also they are among the high paying platforms.

You only need to register and once you are registered, you can bid on any projects of your own choice, and to improve your ratings, you can also participate in their contests which are organized to test the new freelancers.

These freelancing sites can provide you both, local area job and remote jobs, and also you can filter jobs according to your requirements like hourly wage, fixed wage, long term projects, and salary filters. Just have a look at the below image:

How to find web developer job on freelancing sites?
As a web developer, you can also get job on freelancing sites

According to a survey conducted by a famous online wallet “PayPal”, more than 60% of freelancers are making more than $ 100,000 per annum.

Find web development jobs on Facebook pages and twitter-

Besides some online job-providing websites and freelancing sites, you can also get jobs and hired with some Facebook groups and can also get jobs on Twitter. Just have a look at the below image:

Image 1. Facebook job providing groups:

How to get web developer job on Facebook pages?
You can also find web developer job son some Facebook pages also.

Image 2. Get web developer jobs on Twitter:

How to Get web developer jobs on twitter?
You can follow some twitter account and can get web development job there also.


Making a career in web development can be a good choice as the internet is getting boomed by more and more visitors every year and because of this, the demand of developers, graphics designer, and content creators are increasing day by day.

To get hired online to work from home or to do freelancing only requires you to identify your inner will and your talent. Just identify your potential to know in what thing you are excellent. If you are a developer then again you have their choice: front-end developer, back-end developer, and full stack developer. The web development industry, not only requires developers but the demand for graphics creators and content writers is also increasing.

If you are searching for a job as a web developer, then you can proceed with freelancing, some job-providing websites, Facebook groups proving jobs and one can also start his or her own blog to make a living through it.

However, the career in web development is not only limited to websites and related stuff, but android apps nowadays are also crucial and important. So you can also try your hands-on app development as the app development industry is also booming very rapidly and the basic pay of android developers is also very high.

The earnings of web developers are also increasing and it may range from 100 dollars to thousands of dollars depending on your efforts and reach.

FAQ Section:

Is web development a good career?

Yes, making a career in the web development industry is trustable and reliable. As the number of internet users is increasing day by day and because of this, every business is now trying to increase their presence online have led to an increase in the web development industry. According to some online data, the web market has shown a sharp growth of 5-10% in every 5 years from 2012 onwards.

Is a front-end developer a good job?

Yes, but if you will consider and compare the earnings of front-end web developers with back-end or full-stack web developers, then you will come to know that the front-end developer is a less-paying job in the web industry. According to some reliable data, front-end web developers make 36% less money when compared to back-end web developers. While full-stack web developers make 80% more earnings when compared to back-end web developers.

Should I learn PHP? Is PHP dead?

NO, PHP is not dead and you can understand the importance of PHP by knowing a fact that PHP is powering more than 60% of the web and also the famous CMS like WordPress is entirely based on PHP as its core programing language.

Is blogging dead in 2021? Should I start my own money-making blog?

No, blogging is not dead since google makes more than 70% of its revenue from organic web searches, and hence blogging is still a favorable hobby of many webmasters and bloggers. Anyone with some good information about particular topics can make a money-making blog website as there is a demand for everything on the internet as in every single second there are over 40,000 search queries, so you can absolutely say that blogging is still safe business.