How to use Chat GPT? 4 Steps to Optimize Chat GPT

How to use Chat GPT? Optimize Chat GPT to unlock its ultimate capacity, technically speaking- a Chat GPT without an AIPRM extension is useless. I will explain how and why you should use an amazing Chrome extension called AIPRM (AI Prompt Manager) which makes chat GPT more resourceful and unlocks its efficiency for pro users.

Normally when you use a simple Chat GPT provided by the “Open AI module”, it will always produce content in an AI tone, more specifically a Chat GPT without an AIPRM extension will always make the contents which will look like content generated by a bot. So a free AIPRM integration with chat GPT will help you to generate content in a human tone which will be more informative and user-friendly to read.

How to use Chat GPT? Steps to Optimize Chat GPT
How to use Chat GPT? 4 Steps to Optimize Chat GPT

How to use Chat GPT?

In order to use chat GPT in 2023, follow the below steps:

  1. Step– Open your Chrome browser, search for open AI, or visit this URL.
  2. Step– Now from the above menu, click on Product dropdown and then you can select “Chat GPT” or “Chat GPT-4”.
  3. Step– It’s better advised to use Chat GPT since Chat GPT-4 is the most advanced version of Chat GPT chatbot but it’s currently in the development stage.
  4. Step– Now Chat GPT will ask you to log in and register, just make logging by using your Google account.
  5. Step– So by following the above steps you will be using the normal Chat GPT and honestly a Chat GPT without an AIPRM extension is a dumb thing to use.

How to optimize Chat GPT?

A chatbot like chat GPT is an intelligent language module that has been trained well and can generate content in conversational forms. Even it can understand the queries generated by humans and can act accordingly.

However, Chat GPT is an intelligent tool for content creators and users of AI, but it has certain limitations, as sometimes it has been seen that Chat GPT may generate copy-pasted content from the web, and trust me if you are using copy-pasted content generated by chat GPT, then Google is smart enough to catch the culprit.

For, example if you are a content creator and want to rank an article created by a chatbot, then it is more likely that Google will never rank it, so here is a tip to use Chat GPT in a clever way, so that the content generated by the AI should not look like a content generated by Robot.

If you want to optimize chat GPT, you can go with a free Chrome extension called “AIPRM“, this chrome extension is a Pre-made Prompt based Chat GPT that will help you to make highly optimized and unique content, so follow the below steps.

Optimizing Chat GPT using AIPRM extension

  • Open Chrome web browser, and search for Chrome Web Store.
  • Now type in the search box “AIPRM” and click on “add to Chrome”
  • Now you have to again make an account for Chat GPT or you can just log in and also need to approve AIPRm integration with the Chat GPT. If you don’t have Chat GPT account then first of all Sign-up in Chat GPT and then integrate the AIPRM extension.
  • It’s almost done, and now you can have an AIPRM-integrated dashboard of chat GPT as shown in the below image.
AIPRM Chat GPT- How to use chat GPT
AIPRM Chat GPT- How to use chat GPT

Chat GPT Pros and Cons

Can create query based answers
One-click content generation
Easy integration and extension availability, and constantly upgraded
Can create query-based answers
Has no emotions
Can have biased intentions
May provide copy pasted contents
Limited knowledge of events after 2021, Needs training
Lack of creativity

Since chat, GPT is an AI Chatbot that uses a large language model trained by OpenAI. It’s no doubt that Chat GPT is Intelligent, free, 24×7 available, and can create customized content based on user queries, but certainly, it has some limitations as well.

Limited Knowledge

Open AI the founder of Chatbot, Chat GPT openly says that their Chatbot is based on language model training and has limited knowledge of events and facts after the year 2021. As this system needs constant upgrades and updates son it may provide you with some wrong information for some particular queries.

Why Chat GPT cannot beat Google Search?

If you are thinking that Chat GPT might kill Google searches someday, then you are wrong. In fact, search engines like Google can easily detect the content created by AI chatbots and if you are a content creator like me, then you can try to rank an article created by chat GPT on Google without optimization, and most probable the content will never rank on Google- The reason behind this is “Human emotion”.

Most of the content which you see on Google is created by humans and has some kind of emotions in it, such as descriptive, explanation, emotional, lyrics, pain, relief, and much more.

But Chatbots like chat GPT may not include these emotions. However future upgrades of Chat GPT may also include these types of human emotions.

Regular Training

One of the other reasons is that- Why chat GPT is not smart enough? A Chatbot of this kind needs regular training using artificial learning. Since Chat GPT is a Chatbot that utilizes the technology of a “Large language model” which regularly needs to be trained and hence Chat GPT also uses the information provided in the public database like Google Search.

So it’s clear now that Chat GPT got too much hype, but the truth is that many times it has been seen that it uses the information provided by trusted websites shown on the first page of Google Search result data. Besides these things, Chat GPT also has some amazing features which are:

  • Currently has limited capacity to understand the logic and can perform various operations like solving mathematics and reasoning but needs more improvement.
  • Can provide you with a trusted source of data in a meaningful way, like descriptive text, explanations, lyrics, and emotional tone.
  • Can be a good companion in programming languages, yes Chat GPT can also write codes for your coding projects.
  • If you want to spin your article by having its words & paragraphs changed while the meaning remains the same, then Chat GPT will be a good choice.
Chap GPT Top Features
Chap GPT Top Features

How to use the Chat GPT article Prompt in AIPRM?

If you want Chat GPT to generate unique articles and content for your website or business, then the AIPRM-based Chat GPT module can easily handle this task. In AIPRM you will get a pre-made prompt module that can easily generate contents on your command.

Some of the famous Prompts of the AIPRM Chat GPT extension are:

Human-written SEO Optimized Articles Prompt

Human-Like Re-writer Prompt

Youtube Script Generator Prompt

AI detection tool test Prompt

Chat GPT Social Media Manager Prompt

Auto Correct Text Prompt

The AIPRM Chat GPT modules are categorized in the following categories, such as Copyrighting, DevOps, Generative AI, Marketing, Operating Systems, Productivity, SAAS, SEO, and Software Engineering and applications.

For example, if you are writing about a topic like “Machine learning“, then just select the Category “Copyrighting” and select the prompt “Written SEO article | 100% human content score ” and then pass your commands related to your topic like “What is machine learning & which programming language is used in machine learning“.

How to use Chat GPT for SEO?

The best part of the Chatbot like Chat GPT version 3 can be also used as a Keyword research and SEO tool.

In order to use Chat GPT as an SEO tool, you will need to follow the above steps to link the AIPRM extension with Chat GPT. The AIPRM (AI Prompt Manager) has some ready-made prompts for SEO work. Such ready-made prompts for SEO in AIPRM are 100% human-written SEO-optimized article Prompts, Yoast SEO-optimized content writing Prompt, Long content generator SEO optimized Prompt, Article writer powered by rank math Prompts, Article re-writer Prompt and much more.

Steps to use Chat GPT as an SEO tool:

  1. The AIPRM extension of chat GPT provides many readymade prompts for SEO and Keyword research.
  2. Just follow the above steps and make a signup in Chat GPT and also add an AIPRM extension with Chat GPT.
  3. SEO Layout– Open your AIPRM-based Chat GPT and search for a readymade prompt “Outline for Blog Article” and paste your content title or keyword, Chat GPT will generate the entire blog layout with a table of contents as shown in the below image.

Image 1

SEO Layout using Chat GPT 1
SEO Layout using Chat GPT 1

Image 2

SEO Layout using Chat GPT 2
SEO Layout using Chat GPT 2
  1. Generate Content– Now again, after creating the blog layout, just search for another prompt called “Fully SEO Optimized Article Including FAQ”, and then paste your Title or Keyword, as shown in the below image:

Image 1

Generate Contents using Chat GPT 1
Generate Contents using Chat GPT 1

Image 2

Generate Contents using Chat GPT 2
Generate Contents using Chat GPT 2
  1. Re-write– Since Chat GPT is a chatbot and sometimes it may generate duplicate content and may copy content from the internet or public domain, so it’s better to spin the content generated by the chat GPT. Just search for another prompt “Re-write article” and paste the content generated by the chat GPT, this Prompt will spin the article by changing the words but keeping its meaning the same. You may also use another prompt “Human-like writer” as shown in the below image:
Re-write Article Using Chat GPT
Re-write Article Using Chat GPT
  1. Outrank Competitors– One of the amazing prompts in Chat GPT is “Outrank Competitor Prompt”. You will only need to paste the URL of a top-ranking web page in the Google search for your keyword and then Chat GPT will analyze that web page and will produce content of that level, as shown in the below image:

Image 1

Outrank Competitor using Chat GPT 1
Outrank Competitor using Chat GPT 1

Image 2

Outrank Competitor using Chat GPT 2
Outrank Competitors using Chat GPT 2

Image 3

Outrank Competitor using Chat GPT 3
Outrank Competitors using Chat GPT 3
  1. Keyword Research– Chat GPT powered by AIPRM also provides you with the Keyword research tool. You only need to search “Keyword strategy” in the AIPRM Prompts search box. You can see in the below image how the AIPRM extension has produced the keyword ideas for our topic.

Image 1

Keywords Strategy using Chat GPT 1
Keywords Strategy using Chat GPT 1

Image 2

Keywords Strategy using Chat GPT 2
Keywords Strategy using Chat GPT 2

How does Chat GPT actually work?

The Chat GPT was released on November 30, 2022, and got too much hype among tech enthusiasts. And has more than 100 million monthly active users. The heart of Chat GPT is LLM (Large language module) and is currently relying on GPT 3.5 and in the future may use GPT 4 Language module.

The LLM technology on which Chat GPT is relying is a type of “Neural Network” which is first of all trained on massive amounts of texts and data to generate the output in human language or conversational form.

Chat GPT is a type of chatbot and so uses statistical tools and Pre-defined Parameters of Neural Networks to learn the relationship between words and sentences. After the learning phase, Chat GPT may use the Pre-training knowledge to predict the words and sentences. Currently, in Chat GPT, there are more than 170 billion Parameters (Pre-defined rules) that are spread across more than 96 layers of Neural Networks and so making Chart GPT one of the most intelligent Chat Bot with a deep machine learning model.

The GPT 3.5 uses a large amount of Internet data specifically saying more than 100 billion words from the public directory were used to train the Chat GPT 3.5, after its pre-training, the GPT 3.5 was further trained and optimized on the basis of user preference so that it can generate the user-friendly contents. But if there is a mistake in the training process of Chat GPT, then it may generate some harmful or unreliable content.

Also, Read

Chat GPT vs. Google Bard

Both Google Bard and Chat GPT 3.5 has something common in them, such as Both these chatbots using a “Large Language Module and Pre-defined Parameters” to learn and further they are optimized on the basis of user feedback. Both of these chatbots may show you inaccurate information. Currently, Chat GPT has the upper hand when compared to Bard since Google Bard is still in the experimental phase and is currently going under deep learning on the basis of user feedback.

Currently, Chat GPT has 175 billion Parameters and information for the Parameters of Google Bard is still unknown, while both Chatbots are capable of carrying out the following tasks:

  • Language Generation
  • Translations, and
  • Language comprehension

GPT 3.5 Vs. Bard

GPT 3.5Google Bard
More than 175 billion ParametersNo information of Parameters
Takes more timeTakes less time to generate results
Has support for many plugins and extension like AIPRMHas support for many plugins and extensions like AIPRM
Publisher: Open AIPublisher: Google Incl.
Accurate resultsMore accurate results

How to use chat GPT to make money?

You can absolutely start earning online with the help of Chat GPT. Currently, Chat GPT with AIPRM extension can do various tasks for you, such as:

  • 100% human article writing.
  • Instagram Post Carousel Generator
  • Youtube script creator
  • Product Description Generator for E-commerce
  • Coding and Programming
  • Facebook Ad creation
  • Social Media Post Creation
  • SEO and much more

Above are some readymade prompts of Chat GPT powered by AIPRM which can be used to make online content and hence you can start making money online with the help of Chat GPT.

In order to make money online with the help of Chat GPT first of all, create a Blog or website and now follow the below steps:

  • Create a website
  • Now Generate articles using Chat GPT
  • Now after generating content with Chat GPT, do some keyword research using Chat GPT as shown above and you may also use a free tool from Google called “Keyword Planner”.
  • Now you must check for duplicate content generated by Chat GPT, you may use a website called “Duplichecker” which will immediately show you the percentage of the duplicate paragraphs in your content and from which source it has been copied.
  • Now just publish the article generated by Chat GPT on your website. Now once you start getting traffic on your site just apply for Google Adsense and start making money.
  • Instead of creating a website, you may also do freelancing using Chat GPT. Just follow the same steps, Generate the article using Chat GPT, Remove duplicate lines by using the dupli-checker website, and add some graphics and media.