Is it possible to earn by editing photos on mobile?

Is it possible to earn by editing photos on mobile?

Is Picsart a good application?

Yes, Picsart is a very good and powerful application, and theirs a myth that you cannot do better editing than Photoshop does. You can do very powerful editing with Picsart nearly good as Photoshop, but still, it depends on you and your experience, if you have developed experience then you can do much better than those who are using Photoshop, it depends on you more than the application.

However, if you are a Picsart editor and have mastery in that then also you have to struggle a lot in comparison to those who are using Photoshop. Don’t worry I will explain why you cannot earn easily with Photoshop and how you can earn through Photoshop (But trust me it’s very difficult to get earnings with an application like Picsart).

Photoshop vs. Picsart

However, both these applications have very rich tools and can let you do editing of your choice very easily. You can use these applications to do the best of the best image editing but in the race of functions and tools they provide Photoshop off Corse will be the winner in this race. Photoshop is the industry standard and is widely used because of the features it does provides.

Here photoshop has very amazing artificial intelligence features which save time and effort both, whereas PicsArt is an android based application which is also good but has limited features, you can make good earning with photoshop but with pics, you have to struggle a lot.

Can Picsart be used for freelancing?

The answer is no, you cannot use PicsArt for the freelancing- let’s be honest, on freelancing sites customers always prefer to have photoshopped image and they also demand the .psd file which is an extension of photoshop which stores all the editing info’s and can be aging used to make changes to that particular image, so with the picsart you cannot provide the .psd format of that particular image file.  You can make earning on freelancing sites with picsart only if someone desires particularly for picsart image, but the chances are very low nearly zero. So if you want to make money on freelancing with photo editing then just go for the industry-standard applications.

Can I earn through Picsart editing

Yes, you can earn with picsart editing, but not with freelancing. There are some limited ways through which you can make money with the picsart editing. In the next point, we will be discussing the ways through which you can make money with the Picsart application.

How to earn with Picsart editing

I am going to list some of the few limited options which you can opt for earning with editing photos in picsart. The earning options which you can take for earning with picsart are:-

  1. By making memes on Facebook, Instagram, and many other social media platforms.
  2. By selling picsart edited photos on social media such as Facebook, some groups purchase picsart images.
  3. You can personally sell images by clicking photos on your phone and then applying some editing with picsart and then sold on some image selling websites.

These are the few methods by which you can earn by using PicsArt, if want my opinion- I will recommend you not to waste time with picsart, since you have to do a lot more hard work and there is no guarantee of success, so better go and purchase a computer and start photoshop editing.

So now I think that you came to know the real truth of picsart earnings, so for articles like this get in touch with us, thanks for reading this article.