Is Jogging good for health- Dr. BM Hedge

DR. BM Hedge describes that jogging is bad for human health. Instead of Jogging Running is good for the human body.

DR. BM Headge argues that the human body is not suitable for Jogging, as it destroys the “Center of Mass” of the human body and it badly affects the knees and ankles.

To understand the concept of the center of gravity for the human body, you must have knowledge of the “relation between Speed and balance”. While jogging, the center of Mass of the human body gets imbalanced.

Since Jogging is a type of fast walking or slow running and in this scenario, the knees and ankles constantly work under pressure to maintain the stability of your body and thus it gradually degrades the quality and strength of the bones and sockets of the Knees.

Center of Gravity and Center of Mass

Center of mass 1
Center of mass 2

For the best scenario, the center of mass and center of gravity should be present in the “Equal half” of the human body in all aspects, like running, walking, jumping, etc.

However, a short imbalance in your postures may not affect you badly, but long duration workout in the wrong manner may badly affect your body.

Why jogging is not Good for health– By DR. BM Hedge

DR. BM Hedge says, Jogging is very very bad and did I say that shall I repeat that you should not jog because jogging will destroy your ankle joint jogging will destroy your knee joint, and jogging will is not good for the heart also but walking is good.

Man is meant to walk and we are four uh two-legged animals so we should only walk four-legged animals dogs can run when your four legs you have your center of gravity inside your base when you have two legs when you run your Center gravity falls out each time and that’s balanced by your knee.

Jogging vs running

So if you are a mild runner at the end of the day, you will probably have when you grow a little older your knee joints are so bad that you can’t walk and we see a lot of these women who put on a lot of weight they can’t walk because their knee joints are very very bad.

So you must try to sort of walk every day walking is very good next is cycling is good the third is swimming is good but you don’t try to swim start learning swimming at the age of 40.

If you know swimming if you are good at swimming, swimming is very good exercise if you are not good at swimming don’t try to learn to swim at the age of 40 because you will travel on the water. Then the next best thing is to excise what time of the day preferably on an empty stomach when you don’t have too much food but do not exercise on a full stomach, at all because it loads the heart very heavily that’s why the full meal is called a hearty meal.

Have you heard of that it’s a hearty meal why do you call it a hearty meal the one part of the body which food when you over it and touches its heart each time you eat a big meal the heart has to supply so much blood to the gut that the heart overworks.

The right time to take a meal

So having a big meal is like running a mile is almost like that and then if you exert on that like for example a lot of people who say I’ll walk after a meal no never do that walk before a meal and then eat after a meal just after work you just sit for a little while relax and then have a meal so don’t eat it fast the third thing is what about your relaxation what is relaxation whatever is good for you it’s good relaxation somebody said do you enjoy music yes I do but I’m I don’t die for music so if you love music go ahead music will give you relaxation if you love playing cards go ahead it will give you relaxation if you love talking to people go ahead and do that.

But very interesting happened recently they did a study like a study in Ayurveda for what’s called observational research thousands of years You observe a group of people unlike what we do in medicine called cross-sectional research we take about 100 people to study two groups and then come to conclusions immediately so one day you say coffee is good next day you say coffee is bad the third day is scientific study says tea is good and the fourth study says tea is very bad for health so all these are because the study is wrong now this is a very interesting study that’s going on and it’s almost complete now this is called the Harvard alumni study.

Of those who join Harvard University in the 1930s and who are still alive many of them have died 90 years they have died so if they are alive they are being followed up if they are dead also they are being followed up to find out how they died three important things came out in the study to mark my words now remember this very clearly three things came out drinking alcohol is very bad for health.

Drinking alcohol is very bad for us I’m repeating this a second time because a lot of doctors tell you to drink a little couple of packs of wine red wine is good for your heart absolute myth there’s nothing even a drop of alcohol is not good for health I am not saying a drop of alcohol is bad for health but there is no evidence to say that even a drop of alcohol is good.

So, nowadays everyone is focusing on muscle strength, but no one is talking about mental stress. Now we are recommending you do two things to improve your social and mental behavior.

  • Do YOGA (Specially Pranayam)
  • Read Bhagwat Geeta, the ultimate guide to human life
Download and read Bhagwat Geeta
Is Jogging good for health- by Dr. BM Hedge

So from the conclusion of the above lecture by DR. BM Hedge, we came to know that Running is good for health while Jogging is bad for the Knees, and even Jogging is also bad for the health of the human heart.

Instead of Jogging, you may take a Short Sprint and even a long or short-duration walk on a regular basis is very beneficial for human health.