Should I use pirated or nulled wordpress themes or plugins?

Is it harmful to use the pirated or null WordPress themes or Plugins? 

First of all, I would like to tell you a very shocking and amazing trick behind the nulled WordPress themes and plugins, just read the entire article.

This is a major question always asked by many people who are just stepping into the field of web development. I have also used many cracked WordPress themes and plugins and by my those experience I will tell you that why not use the pirated WordPress themes and plugins, instead I know that the themes and plugins are very costly for newcomers but let me explain to you something.

While making a WordPress based website its necessary to purchase a domain and hosting which could easily cost you around 100 USD, just think that you are using a pirated WordPress theme and somehow your website get hacked, and in this case, your entire effort will be useless and you may also not be able to recover your domain and hosting cost.

Now some people will say that just download the pirated WordPress theme and scan it with some websites which can figure out miscellaneous codes such as is a famous one, but here again, there is a problem, you just tell me – are all antiviruses able to detect all the viruses, the answer is no. Antiviruses are only able to find that malware that is already present in their databases, which clearly means that malware of a new category can not be easily figured by antiviruses.

Here the same thing applies in the case of WordPress theme, you can not scan a WordPress theme 100% for malicious codes, as some of the malicious codes exactly look like normal codes that can not be traced.

* Most important-

  What can be the side effects of using a pirated WordPress theme or plugins?


  1. Google ranking –


Using a pirated WordPress theme could result in low rankings in the search result, this is because Google focuses on user safety also, google block those sites which use some bad tactics to gather user information. Since you are using a pirated theme so the theme could also hold some malicious codes which are not permitted by the search engine.

  1. User experience –


A pirated theme can cause a sudden break in the site or either it can show un-authorized ads, or either it can irritate users with sudden transfer to some unknown web pages or can show some bad links on your site.


  1. Earnings and affiliates-


A pirated theme can easily affect your google AdSense earnings as we know google does not tolerate bad tactics to buy any websites. So in this case your AdSense account can be suspended by Google.


  1. Law and order –

The most dangerous thing is that if you are caught by the developer by using a nulled WordPress theme then you may be legally penalized according to your country’s law and you may have to pay a large amount of money to the developer as compensation.


  1. Future Update and Integration-

Since there is no one to take responsibility for any issue in your site, therefore, you may experience a problem while using other useful plugins with your theme, since the genuine WordPress themes are optimized for some famous page builders and plugins and also WordPress updates could also lead some problem to outdated and pirated WordPress themes. Since the genuine WordPress themes provide regular updates according to changes.


  1. Web page crashing problem-

So now I think you can understand that why you should not use Pirated WordPress themes if you are a serious developer or blogger.

Thanks for reading this article, so stay tuned for more updates.