WordPress hosting comparisons | Best-hosting companies in India.

WordPress hosting comparisons List of best-hosting companies in 2021.

List of the best WordPress hosting comparisons for beginners to scale online blog websites, news websites, and businesses. Nowadays we have tons of hosting providers, many of which are providing cheap hosting plans and promising to provide the best hosting service. But for us as web developers, we should always go with hosting plans that … Read more

The best SEO settings for WordPress | How to rank articles at the top?

Best SEO settings for wordpress |how to rank articles at top?

We need to discuss the best SEO settings for WordPress since google nowadays has released many updates for the site’s goodwill and ranking and due to this, many people are having trouble ranking the new websites and posts. It has been always seen that the new content creators always encounter problems while trying to rank … Read more

Detailed information about WordPress hosting – Get the initial hosting info

Detailed information about WordPress hosting - Get the initial hosting info

What is hosting? Hosting is basically referred to hosting a website on a virtual server located somewhere else to host your website on behalf of you or your company and can deliver the content to users worldwide by using the Content delivery network (CDN). The location of the server where your website is hosted also … Read more

How to get free domain and hosting for WordPress website?

How to get free domain and hosting for WordPress website?

How to get a free domain and hosting for the WordPress website? WordPress hosting and domains- Since we all know that WordPress is an amazing CMS that has gained popularity in few years, it’s the most widely used content management system across its entire competitors like jumla and blogger. WordPress has many rich features that … Read more