Top 8 free Keywords research & SEO auditing tools for beginners SEO.

Free Keywords research & SEO auditing tools as nowadays SEO tools are costing more than a thousand dollars and seem to be expensive for beginners. But the catch here is that you do not always need to use the paid tools for SEO, Keywords research, and rank fast, but if you don’t have bugs to pay then this article is for you.

Here in this article, we will be talking about the top free SEO auditing tools, keywords research tools, and site testing kits. Almost all the tools discussed here are completely free, but some of them may have a daily limit quota.

By using the free tools and methods discussed in this article, you can easily rank and improve the health of your site. Just go through this article carefully for better results.

Top 8 free keywords research & SEO tools


Seoptimer free keywords research tool

SEOptimer is both a free and paid tool for SEO and site audit. This tool can easily provide data for any site (either WordPress or custom-coded). By using this tool, you will get the analysis of on-page SEO, link structure SEO, social media SEO, usability, and performance.

SEOptimer keywords research

By using this tool, you can also get the data for the ranking keywords for any website. This tool provides complete data of the top-ranking keywords with the details of ranking countries, ranking position, total searches, and estimated traffic.

SEOptimer keywords ranking

SEOptimer can also provide the data for the overall ranking positions and keywords & total monthly traffic volume, like in the above image you can see that for a particular website, on position 1: more than 642 keywords are ranking, while on positions 2 & 3: more than 2,037 keywords are ranking, and so on.

SEOptimer image1

As you can see in the above image, by using the free SEOptimer tool, we can also access Google’s core web vital information for your site. By using this free SEO audit tool, you can get the data of the largest contentful paint (LCP), first input delay (FID), & cumulative layout shift (CLS). Don’t know about LCP, FID, & CLS click here to read.

SEOptimer image2

By using the SEOptimer tool, you can also get information on the overall performance of your website and service, as in the above image you can see that for the particular website you can access the details of the server response, content loading time, script loading time, total page size, & page size distribution.


SEObility free keywords research tool

Along with the details of SEO score and other SEO factors this tool also provides SEO check for on-page SEO and off-page SEO. This free SEO tool can provide you the following data: on-page SEO, off-page SEO, content quality, cross-device compatibility, social media linking, robots.txt validation, backlinks, and server information such as server response.

SEObility free SEO suggestions

This SEO tool can also provide some important SEO suggestions to implement in your site for better results. You can also dig more out of it in the premium version.

SEObility keywords suggestions

One of the best features of this tool is that it can provide you the information on top-ranking keywords for your website. Also, you can type and search the keywords manually to know if your site is ranking for that particular keyword or not, and if your site is ranking for a particular keyword then you can easily know the ranking positions for particular keywords.

Search console mobile friendly test

Free seo check tool google mobile friendly test

As we all know that having cross-device compatibility of websites is a crucial element of modern SEO nowadays. The mobile-friendly test is an online service by Google, by which you can test the cross-device compatibility and readiness of your websites.

This tool is primarily designed to test the availability of websites in mobile version, if your website will have any issues, then this tool will notify you of the required changes to be done. Some of the common mobile compatibility issues are text size too short and clickable elements too close together.

Google adds

Free keywords research using google adds

Google adds is one of the best free keywords research tools to find the best ranking keywords. By using google adds, you can enter multiple keywords for which you want to get the total monthly search and competition level.

By using the free keywords research tool from google adds, you can easily get lots of new keywords and also some high-ranking long keywords. Click here for a tutorial on free keywords research by using google adds.

Rich results

SEO audit using google structured data testing

Rich results are one of the best tools to do structured data testing of any website. Since we all know that rich results are also one of the main elements of SEO and hence it should be part of our website.

Sometimes we just implement structured data for the rich results in our site, but many times it have been seen that there arise some errors in structured data and this can affect your SEO practice as Google uses structured data to understand your content, so do not forget to validate the structured data by using the rich results tool.

Ahref free SEO tool

Ahref free SEO and keywords research tool

In the SEO world, everyone is aware of Ahref SEO. Now Ahref is also offering free SEO too known as, Ahref’s free SEO tool. By using this tool, you can also perform keywords research for youtube and amazon sales. This SEO tool offered by Ahref can perform many tasks as shown in the below image:

ahref free keywords research and seo tool

This free keywords research tool can offer you related keywords and also the questions related to the matching keywords. Also, by using this tool you can access: keywords density and keywords volume as shown in the below image:

ahref free keywords suggestions

Uber suggest free keywords and SEO tool

uber suggest free seo and keywords tool

Uber suggests is one of the best free SEO and keywords research tools. By using this tool you can easily get SEO recommendations and also you can do keywords research.

By using this tool, you can get search volume data, keywords ideas, and contents ideas as shown in the below image:

uber suggest free keywords volume
uber suggest free keywords ideas
uber suggest free contents ideas


Moz free seo and keywords research

Moz SEO is also one of the best tools to do free keywords research. By using Moz SEO, you can analyze: monthly volume, keywords difficulty, organic CTR, and keyword priority as shown in the below image:

Moz free keywords research and analysis