Track location with phone number | Track on Google maps

In order to Track location with phone number, you will need to create a Location tracking URL through IP Logger. Once the URL has been modified by the server IP Logger, then you will need to share this URL with the person with whom you want to track the location.

Once the URL has been created, this URL will need to be sent to anyone via WhatsApp. So in this way, you can track location on Whatsapp or you may send this location tracking URLs using any social media platform.

Follow the below steps to Track phone location using the phone number:

Track location with phone number
Track location with phone number

Steps to track location with phone number

In order to track the mobile location with the phone number, follow the below steps:

  1. Visit the Grabify IP Logger website.
  2. Now Just copy the URL of any image or video from the internet and paste that URL into the Search box and click on the “Create URL button” as shown in the below image:
Location Tracking using Grabify
Location Tracking using Grabify
  1. Now, the Grabify IP Logger will show you the location tracking window settings, just do the following setting as shown in the below image:
Location Tracking using Grabify Step 3
Location Tracking using Grabify Step 3

In the above image, there are three boxes on the right side of the “Green color copy button”. In the middlebox, it’s written as “mye30”, it is a file name, so to make your tracking URL more genuine just change the name according to your need and then copy the logger link on the left side of the “Green copy button”.

  1. Now, you are almost done, just share that URL link with anyone via messaging, and if they will click on that link, their location will be shown in the “Grabify” tracking dashboard as shown below:
Location Tracking using Grabify Step 4
Location Tracking using Grabify Step 4
  1. Now, you can see the GPS location, Lattitude, Longitude, Browser information, and also the exact device location on the Map.

How does location Tracking work?

There are primarily two types of location tracking- Forensics location tracking and GPS location tracking.

Forensic location tracking

How does location Tracking work
How does location Tracking work

Forensic location surveillance is only done in critical cases when the Government of your country wants to track down your location. So in this case, the particular SIM number or EMEI number is put on alert.

Whenever there is an active call or Network usage registered to the nearest phone tower, the tracking system automatically registers the pinpoint location, time, and device duration of the call, etc.

In order to track a phone location, multiple mobile towers are used to measure the distance of the suspected device from each tower, and hence the final location is calculated on the basis of the collected information.

For location tracking using mobile towers, the Phone number, EMEI number, or SIM card security code is known as (the ICCID code) or (IMSI code).

Note- The Location tracking via Mobile towers is only 90% accurate, the actual device location maybe 15 meters away.

Also readHow to track the Lost mobile phone in India?

How to find lost phone in India
How to find lost phone in India

GPS location tracking

When compared to Location tracking with mobile towers by using SIM numbers, GPS location tracking is way more effective and accurate. For GPS location tracking, the device location must be switched on otherwise exact location may not be traced.

Since GPS location tracking needs the device to have an active location feature, this is why it is not effective when the device location is switched off. That’s why, forensic location tracking is not done with GPS.

However, if you are using an Android phone and your location is turned off, still, your previous location history is available on Google servers. You may manually log in to your Google account and can clear the location history data.

How to save location privacy from hackers?

Hackers often collect your location data by using your browser location history, and primarily they use GPR to know your location. If you want to safeguard your collection data from hackers, then use the following tips:

  • Always keep your location feature turned off.
  • If your browser asks you to allow location, then make sure that the website asking for location is trusted.
  • Never click on a suspected short URL in your WhatsApp or Gmail.
  • Use two-factor authentication to keep your Google accounts safe.
  • If you are accessing any mail in the Spam box of your Gmail account, be careful. Gmail automatically scans and sends the suspected mail to the spam box.
  • In your browser, set the location permission to “Never allow or ask for permission”.

Watch out the video guide

Is it possible to track someone’s location using a phone number?

Yes, it’s possible to track anyone’s phone location with a phone number. For this, you will need to send them an IP logger URL. If they will click on that URL, their GPS location will be available to them.

How to track location using a phone number?

In order to track location using phone numbers, just visit the “Grabify IP logger website”, paste the URL of any image or youtube video, and follow the setting shown on our website and now you can share this URL with anyone. Once they will click on that URL, their device location will be shown to you in the Grabify location tracker dashboard.

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