Why Google AdSense is not verifying my website ?

Why Google AdSense is not verifying my website?

How to approve Google Adsense easily

Approving Google Adsense is not a big challenge; instead, if you have followed the right procedure then it will be a very easy task for you. Many people I have seen doing it in a wrong way, and hence leading to an unending problem. Here one thing you should always keep in your mind that Google Adsense is very sensitive, and you have to be very careful otherwise you have to struggle too much like me.  Having more than 5 years of experience I will be explaining to you the entire tricks which I have learned from my mistakes.

Approving Google Adsense is very easy and you will learn it right now just after reading this article, just get in touch with this article. One thing you must consider always before you get to sign up for Google Adsense- always focus on your traffic, yes traffic matters a lot. You should not sign-up for the Adsense monetization program before your website is getting a minimum of 500 visitors per day. Just try to think how much money you can get if your site is getting the daily visitors less than 500, since the average CTR is less than 10% it is nearly 2%. And now think that how much money you can earn from those 2% visitors since in beginning Adscence places low CPS adds on your site.

So you should go for Adsense only when you are getting enough traffic for earning, otherwise, it’s useless to sign-up for Adsense.

How much time does it take to approve Google Adsense?

Normally it takes between 2-3 weeks but in some cases, you may have to wait longer, for about more than 3 weeks. If you have followed the right way of monetizing your site and there is no fault in your site then this process is much faster. Google verifies your site before allowing you to their monetization program. These are the factors that can affect your monetization approval-

  1. Black hat or white hat SEO
  2. Website traffic
  • And some technical issues (I will explain this below in this article)

Why Google Adsense shows an error in approving the site?

Sometimes most of you will get some error while approving the Google Adsense program. There may be many technical issues, some are common and some are exceptional.

The reason for the error in approval of Google Adsense is-

  1. Illegal method of SEO
  2. Website traffic
  • Multiple accounts with same mobile no (This is a most dangerous problem while signing-up)
  1. Technical problem at your website

Above stated all the problems can be sorted and can be fixed except the third one- when you already have one Adsense account and you have somehow deleted that account improperly then Google will not register the new Adsense account for you on that same mobile no, to overcome this problem you have to change your mobile no.

Reasons for delay in Google Adsense approval-

There could be many reasons for the delay in the approval process of Google Adsense, there could be a delay from your side due to some technical or some other problem, and it could be a delay from the side of Google as well.

Sometimes Google itself delays a lot since the Google team also needs time to check, verify, and to crawl your website. After an intense check-up, only Google allows you to their Monetization program. If your site has some violation such as a copyright issue, non-ethical way of SEO or something else that does not suits the policy of Google then your site may have to wait longer for the approval process, or either you can also not get the approval at all.

You should also keep in mind that your website should have a minimum of 30 or more posts or articles and must be 10 to 15 days old, and also you should only apply when there is an initial increase in traffic.

Precautions should be taken while applying for Google Adsense-

These are the precautions you should avoid while applying for Google Adsense:

  1. Avoid approving very new websites. Try to apply after 3 months.
  2. Only go for approval, when getting 300-500 page views per day.
  3. Do not use illegal means of SEO.
  4. Should not have any other Google Adsense account with the same mobile no.
  5. Hacking or phishing attacks on users are also prohibited.

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