Why you should learn web development to make a career?

There is a solid reason to learn web development because; Web development is something that involves creating, designing, and launching websites for a commercial, hobby, and informational purposes, and also Web development has evolved too much, and still, it’s a continuously growing field as it stands as a 7th best field in the tech market. This industry involves many technologies and methods and has much more things beyond designing and creating websites since it also involves digital marketing, advertisement, SEO and many other things, so these were the only reasons to learn web development and to make a career in the current market trends. We will be learning all these things in the upcoming chapters of our “web development course” at acdigitaldesk.com.

There are many reasons to learn web development such as for getting jobs and to make earnings for leaving. Web development is something that every business and company requires since every business nowadays will require a website for their online existence. One can learn web development for the following reasons:

  • For getting jobs
  • For hobby purpose
  • and to become a freelancer

You can have websites to make and run your blog and can earn through it by placing advertisements’ and also can make it as your carrier for your living. Since it’s not so easy to make money with websites as it’s getting harder to rank websites day by day but don’t worry we will be covering all the points in our upcoming chapters.

You can also make websites to get jobs in the companies as if you will be having a website it will be easier to show something with your resume as this will help you to grab jobs easily, no matter what is the purpose of your website just do some work and try to rank your website. If you want to get a job easily then you should have knowledge of both the custom-programmed websites and also WordPress, since if the company or firm is in requirement of WordPress expert or custom programming expert none of these requirements will act as an obstacle for you.

Web technology is growing very fast and this can be understood by an example that according to spendmenot.com, the total revenue generated by Google in 2019 was nearly 161 billion dollars and out of which 134 billion dollars were from advertisement. Out of the 134 billion advertisement revenue, 15 billion dollars were from youtube and nearly 119 billion dollars were from website advertisement, so you can clearly see that more than 70% of google’s revenue comes from advertisement shown on the websites, so you can depict that what a huge industry web development have.

This web development field is regularly booming because it is directly related and is influencing digital marketing and also it has lots of opportunity like:

  • Selling websites
  • Selling digital products
  • Making a money-making blog
  • Freelancing
  • SEO expert
  • Graphics manager
  • Front-end designer
  • Backend manager
  • Content creator
  • Corporate jobs, and much more to discuss.

There are lots of vacant jobs in this field and the only thing you need to grab these jobs is experience and talent. I personally know lots of people are making a good amount of living through their small websites, so why you cannot?

So till now, we have learned the purpose of having the website and in our upcoming chapters, we will be discussing all the aspects of web development such as programming, resources, money, time and carrier, etc.

As the demand and consumers on the web are still increasing and it has been seen that the web development industry is still growing from the year 2012 at the rate of 5-10% in every 5 years of time span. So anyone can take a web developer career as a secured career without any hesitation. The web development industry is not only restricted to the websites only, but this industry has also affected the android app industry in a positive way, so you can also try as an app developer to get participated in this field.